I am developing an iOS application which supports English and Arabic. User can change the application language from inside the app. When user changes the language I am setting it like ,
//change app language
UserDefaults.standard.set([language], forKey: "AppleLanguages")
currentLanguage = language
//current language updating
var currentLanguage : String{
if let selectedLanguage = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "selectedLanguage"){
return selectedLanguage
let language = Locale.preferredLanguages[0]
if language.hasPrefix("ar"){
return SupportedLanguage.ar.rawValue
return SupportedLanguage.en.rawValue
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(newValue, forKey: "selectedLanguage")
In this way, App is not exiting. Just reloading the root view controller
The issue I am facing is, when I change the application language like this, the privacy alerts like “..requesting permission for using Location”, “… would ,like to use Photo album” etc are not showing in the selected language. I have created InfoPlist.string files for English and Arabic and added like
NSCameraUsageDescription = ".... would like to access Camera"; NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription = ".... wants to use your current location for better usability";
Still its not showing. Also I tried deleting, cleaning app, deleting derived data.
Any idea why its happening?
Changing AppleLanguages
key needs app to be restarted so new localization applied , you can try to use NSLocalizedString
with tableName or change current bundle you read from , but system localization won't be changed until app restarted