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How to Add ElementRef into local dom?

I want to crate a layout component to arrange groups of items, like:

  <div #veg (click)="pluck()">carrot</div>
  <div #veg (click)="pluck()">cabbage</div>
  <div #veg (click)="pluck()">turnip</div>

The component so far looks like

  selector: 'app-garden-bed',
  templateUrl: './garden-bed.component.html',
export class GardenBed  {

  @ContentChildren('veg') vegs: QueryList<ElementRef>;

  constructor() { }

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    console.log('this.vegs=' + JSON.stringify(this.vegs));


but I can't figure out how to plant them in the tamplate (garden-bed.component.html):

  <div *ngFor="let veg of vegs">
     <ng-content/ng-template  *something="veg"></ng-template>
     but this doesn't work.
     veg should appear here and all its binding should work!


any help is highly appreciated!


  • To avoid issues with change detection you should get the templateRefs out of the QueryList using toArray only once:

      templates: TemplateRef[];
      ngAfterViewInit() {
        console.log('this.vegs=' + JSON.stringify(this.vegs));
        this.templates = this.vegs.toArray();

    then use ngTemplateOutlet to stamp the templat

      <div *ngFor="let veg of templates">
         <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="veg"></ng-container>
         but this doesn't work.
         veg should appear here and all its binding should work!

    ngTemplateOutlet also allows to pass context data that can be bound to in the template

    See also

    Don't get confused by <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="myTemplate", it's just alternate syntax to what I showed above