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Make .NET Core DI auto resolve class by generic interface / abstract class implementation

Is there a way in .NET Core to register a generic interface, and make it resolve a class that matches a certain implementation.

For example, I have the following interface:

public interface IMapper<TFrom, TTo>

I also have an abstract class:

public abstract class Mapper<TFrom, TTo> : IMapper<TFrom, TTo>
    protected Mapper()
        // some generic stuff

    public abstract TTo Map(TFrom);

I can then create an implementation like so:

public class UserMapper : Mapper<Domain.User, Entity.User>
    public override Entity.User Map(Domain.User from)
        // do mapping

Is there a way, using the default .NET Core DI to register IMapper<,>, and let it auto resolve the class?

So if I for example would do this somewhere in code:

class SomeClass
    public SomeClass(IMapper<Domain.User, Entity.User> mapper) {}

That it somehow knows that it should resolve the class UserMapper<Domain.User, Entity.User>?

The reason is that it's a little verbose to manually register each and every mapper, specific to an implementation. So I'm hoping Microsoft.DependencyInjection is smart enough to automatically resolve its implementation somehow.


  • The only way with your current design is to use Reflection:

    Assembly assembly = typeof(UserMapper).Assembly;
    foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes()
        .Where(t => t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract))
        foreach (var i in type.GetInterfaces())
            if (i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IMapper<,>))
                // NOTE: Due to a limitation of Microsoft.DependencyInjection we cannot 
                // register an open generic interface type without also having an open generic 
                // implementation type. So, we convert to a closed generic interface 
                // type to register.
                var interfaceType = typeof(IMapper<,>).MakeGenericType(i.GetGenericArguments());
                services.AddTransient(interfaceType, type);

    NOTE: You could make it simpler by creating an extension method on IServiceCollection with the various overloads for AddTransient, AddSingleton, etc.

    If you change the design use a non-abstract generic as your implementation type:

    public class Mapper<TFrom, TTo> : IMapper<TFrom, TTo>

    Then you can simply register like this:

    services.AddTransient(typeof(IMapper<,>), typeof(Mapper<,>));