I would like to get user data based on id attribute mentioned in URL : (/user/488/all
) using FratherJS framework
var mongooseService = require('feathers-mongoose');
app.use('user/:id/all', mongooseService({
name: 'agency',
Model: require('models/user') //user.id is the ID of user model
i don't want to use this url : /user/488
Feathers standard URLs are intentionally built around REST URL best practises so, although not impossible, I would only break with it if there is a very good reason. To be compatible with existing clients you can create aliases using a custom service:
const mongooseService = require('feathers-mongoose');
app.use('/users', mongooseService({
name: 'agency',
Model: require('models/user') //user.id is the ID of user model
class UserAliases {
async find(params) {
const { id } = params.route;
return this.app.service('users').get(id, params);
setup(app) {
this.app = app;
app.use('/user/:id/all', new UserAliases());