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Access a Cordova Plugin Variable in the Script of a Plugin

I'm making a Cordova plugin and I'd like to be able to have a --variable VARIABLE="someValue" in the plugin installation.

I have an after_prepare script within my plugin.xml.


<preference name="VARIABLE" default="defaultValue" />

<hook src="script.js" type="after_prepare" />

Usage of plugin would look like this:

cordova plugin add pluginsource.git --fetch --variable VARIABLE="customvalue"

Inside the script.js, how can I reference the value of that variable (so I see "customvalue") if the user chose to use that variable when installing?


  • Your variable and arguments will be present in process.argv as the cordova cli is a nodejs tool.


    should provide you with an array of strings included in the platform add command use.

    An example plugin which uses variables in after-prepare.js is the cordova facebook plugin