I need to retrieve the roles associated to user, but I am working with wildfly, I have installed all jar keycloak in wildfly and my Java project, but can I retrieve this list by Java adapter?
Other options is call the rest api like any api by get, post, put, etc. But my first options was Adapters.
I make the authentication by adapters, but I do not find any way to retrieve roles, clients, realms, etc.
I am wrong or the adapter is just to authentications?
Anyone have a good example?
Thanks, here other way: (retrieve one role by name)
Keycloak keycloak = Keycloak.getInstance("http://localhost/auth", "realm-name", "client-name", authorization);
RoleRepresentation role = keycloak.realm("realm-name").clients().get(idOfClient).roles().get(roleName).toRepresentation();
To listing all user:
UsersResource users = keycloak.realm("realm-name").users();
And "authorization" is the string token bearer
"getInstance" have other methods to send for example pass and user.