Is there a possibility to add methods to an existing class at run time?
I want to create a List
of Testcase
objects and I don't like to create for each Testcase
an object. So I like to use a unique object without any method for the Test cases without any procedure info. I want to add this method afterwards.
public class Testcollection
public List<TestCase> TestcaseList = new List<TestCase>();
public string title;
public Testcollection(string Title)
title = Title;
public class TestCase
public string title;
public TestCase(string Title)
title = Title;
public class initTestcollection
public Testcollection T1 = new Testcollection("Collection1");
public Testcollection T2 = new Testcollection("Collection2");
public void AddTestCases()
T1.TestcaseList.Add(new TestCase("Test1"));
T1.TestcaseList.Add(new TestCase("Test2"));
public void inject_method_toT1()
Console.WriteLine("injected code A");
public void inject_method_toT2()
Console.WriteLine("injected code B");
public initTestcollection()
void Main()
Testcollection MyCollection = new initTestblocks();
I found the following post: Dynamically assign method / Method as variable with that I could a assign a "dummy" Method to my Testcase Class and could assign a Test workflow to it on the runtime. For someone who has the same usecase the code:
public class TestCase
public string title;
public TestCase(string Title)
title = Title;
public Action dummyMethod{ get; set; }
public void realMethod()
public initTestcollection()
T1.TestcaseList[0].dummyMethod= realMethod;