I'm using this code from jsfiddle to animate the placeholder text in my search bar. The end result is it looks like it is being typed. Right now it only types one phrase and I would like to get it to type one phrase and then replace with another and so on. Any help wold be appreciated.
// your custom placeholder goes here!
var ph = "Search Website e.g. \"Dancing Cats\"",
searchBar = $('#search'),
// placeholder loop counter
phCount = 0;
// function to return random number between
// with min/max range
function randDelay(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max-min+1)+min);
// function to print placeholder text in a
// 'typing' effect
function printLetter(string, el) {
// split string into character seperated array
var arr = string.split(''),
input = el,
// store full placeholder
origString = string,
// get current placeholder value
curPlace = $(input).attr("placeholder"),
// append next letter to current placeholder
placeholder = curPlace + arr[phCount];
// print placeholder text
$(input).attr("placeholder", placeholder);
// increase loop count
// run loop until placeholder is fully printed
if (phCount < arr.length) {
printLetter(origString, input);
// use random speed to simulate
// 'human' typing
}, randDelay(50, 90));
// function to init animation
function placeholder() {
$(searchBar).attr("placeholder", "");
printLetter(ph, searchBar);
phCount = 0;
Check out my ES6 Promise based solution. Hope this helps.
// Add something to given element placeholder
function addToPlaceholder(toAdd, el) {
el.attr('placeholder', el.attr('placeholder') + toAdd);
// Delay between symbols "typing"
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
// Cleare placeholder attribute in given element
function clearPlaceholder(el) {
el.attr("placeholder", "");
// Print one phrase
function printPhrase(phrase, el) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// Clear placeholder before typing next phrase
let letters = phrase.split('');
// For each letter in phrase
(promise, letter, index) => promise.then(_ => {
// Resolve promise when all letters are typed
if (index === letters.length - 1) {
// Delay before start next phrase "typing"
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
return addToPlaceholder(letter, el);
// Print given phrases to element
function printPhrases(phrases, el) {
// For each phrase
// wait for phrase to be typed
// before start typing next
(promise, phrase) => promise.then(_ => printPhrase(phrase, el)),
// Start typing
function run() {
let phrases = [
"Search Website e.g. \"Dancing Cats\"",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
"Consectetur adipiscing elit",
"JS is so strange :)"
printPhrases(phrases, $('#search'));
.searchbar {
width: 300px;
padding: 10px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<input type='text' id="search" class="searchbar" />