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Multicore ARM: how to assign a critical task to one dedicated core

Suppose an embedded system project where I have a multicore ARM processor (to make it simple assume 2 cores with an unshared cache between the 2 cores). Suppose my system contains a critical task and several non-critical tasks.

Therefore, can I assign the critical task to "core 1" exclusively? And all other to "core 2" exclusively?

If so, how to do and what are the best practices from an implementation point of view [assume I use C]? Should I use a library (if so which one)? An RTOS?


  • Ok, I see that you asked this over in the EE board as well. They gave the same answer I want to give you as well. Use an operating system of some sort to handle thread affinities. If your RTOS or whatever you have does not support this, then look into it and see how it actually handles process/thread scheduling.

    Typically, each CPU on a system will be assigned some sort of thread that handles scheduling of tasks. This thread is one of the first things that an OS sets up. Feel free to research some micro kernels out there to see how this is done for your particular processor. You can also find the secret sauce for setting up this thread in the ARM documentation for your particular CPU.

    But, I am going out on a limb and assuming this is far, far beyond the scope of any assignment given to you for a project. I would hope that you have some affinity of some sort built into what you were given. Setting up affinity for a known OS is a few seconds task. Setting up affinity on a bare metal system with no OS at all is much more involved.

    Original question: