My aim is to generate a string
. which has following conditions.
First i will take an empty string and start building the string based on length.
I have an empty string
In the first step i want to add a string
till 8 characters, means first my string
is ""
then till 8 characters my string should contain the value Hiwor
so finally my string will be Hiwor
if there is no value empty value should be padded in the string
In the second step i want to add the string meena
till 10 positions , so my final string should be Hiwor meena
. In this way i want to build my string. Ho can i achieve this. Can you please help me.
initial string ""
first step adding string Hiwor
till 8 positions
so final string should be Hiwor
second step adding string meena
till 10 postions
so final string should be Hiwor meena
Till now i tried like this
Dictionary<string, Int16> transLine = new Dictionary<string, Int16>();
transLine.Add("ProductCode", 1);
transLine.Add("ApplicantFirstName", 12);
transLine.Add("ApplicantMiddleInitial", 1);
transLine.Add("partner", 1);
transLine.Add("employee", 8);
List<string> list = new List<string>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var listItem in list)
foreach (var item in transLine)
if (listItem == item.Key)
var length = item.Value;
sb.Insert(length, item.Key);
but it is throwing me an exception.Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Firstly define an extension method for StringBuilder:
public static class StringBuilderExtensions
public static void AppendPadded(this StringBuilder builder, string value, int length);
builder.Append($"{value}{new string(' ', length)}".Substring(0, length));
public static void AppendPadded(this StringBuilder builder, int value, int length);
builder.Append($"{new string('0', length)}{value}".Reverse().ToString().Substring(0, length).Reverse().ToString());
Then use:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendPadded("Hiwor", 8);
builder.AppendPadded("meena", 10);
return builder.ToString();
Or with your example:
foreach (string item in list)
builder.AppendPadded(item, transLine[item]);
EDIT: Ok, so looks like you want to be able to define a format then build the string using it. Try:
(you will need to reference System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations and System.Reflection for this)
public abstract class AnItem
private static int GetLength(PropertyInfo property)
StringLengthAttribute attribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StringLengthAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as StringLengthAttribute;
if (attribute == null)
throw new Exception($"StringLength not specified for {property.Name}");
return attribute.MaxLength();
private string GetPropertyValue(PropertyInfo property)
if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string))
return property.GetValue(this);
else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int))
return property.GetValue(this).ToString();
throw new Exception($"Property '{property.Name}' is not a supported type");
private static void SetPropertyValue(object item, PropertyInfo property, string value)
if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string))
property.SetValue(item, value, null);
else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int))
property.SetValue(item, int.Parse(value), null);
throw new Exception($"Property '{property.Name}' is not a supported type");
public string GetPaddedString()
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
PropertyInfo[] properties = GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
builder.AppendPadded(GetPropertyValue(property), GetLength(property));
return builder.ToString();
public static T CreateFromPaddedString<T>(string paddedString) where T : AnItem, new()
T item = new T();
int offset = 0;
PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
int length = GetLength(property);
if (offset + length > paddedString.Length)
throw new Exception("The string is too short");
SetPropertyValue(item, property, paddedString.Substring(offset, length)));
offset += length;
if (offset < paddedString.Length)
throw new Exception("The string is too long");
return item;
public class MyItem : AnItem
public string ProductCode { get; set; }
public string ApplicantFirstName { get; set; }
public string ApplicantMiddleInitial { get; set; }
public string Partner { get; set; }
public string Employee { get; set; }
Then use it:
MyItem item = new MyItem
ProductCode = "grouplife",
ApplicantFirstName = "meena",
ApplicantMiddleInitial = "d",
Partner = "yes",
Employee = "yes"
string paddedString = item.GetPaddedString();
And to read a string to get an item:
MyItem item = AnItem.CreateFromPaddedString<MyItem>(paddedString);