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Load csv with omnivore in Mapbox from from local file

Using the example here I'm trying to add markers to a map using files and code from my local directory. In the directory I have airports.csv & index.html. I can't get the map to show the markers. This is the line of code i use to load the csv all other code is as the original example and copied into the index.html file ;


I've tried copying in the full file path as well but this makes no difference to the outcome. I've also tried calling a url for the same file stored here. I'm new to html / javascript. Any help gratefully appreciated


  • If both your index.html file and your airports.csv file are located in the very same folder, then you should be able to load the CSV file using directly:


    Note that if the CSV file is very big, you will have to wait for a few seconds (up to minutes, depending on your bandwidth…) for the browser to fetch the file from the server.