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How can I access the last output value in the Scala REPL?

In Ruby, Python, and presumably a bunch of other REPLs, you can refer to the last value with _:

>> longCalculationIForgotToAssignToAVariable
>> foo = _
>> foo

How can I do this in the Scala REPL? I'm aware of the . feature of the REPL:

scala> foo.getBar()
res1: com.stackoverflow.Bar = [Bar]

scala> .getBaz() // calls method on bar

But this doesn't do what I want. Neither does _, obviously, or I wouldn't be asking:

scala> val foo = _
<console>:37: error: unbound placeholder parameter

How can I do this? Ammonite answers good too, but would love to do this in the vanilla REPL.


  • you can use default variable names (start with resN) provided by REPL, see example below

    scala> case class Bar(name: String)
    defined class Bar
    scala> Bar(name = "American Football")
    res0: Bar = Bar(American Football)

    you can see Bar instance is provided a variable res0.

    res1: String = American Football
    scala> val myBar = res0
    myBar: Bar = Bar(American Football)

    Also see - How can I access the last result in Scala REPL?

    Just a side note which might be helpful if you want to list variables

    When REPL is just started,

    scala> $intp.unqualifiedIds
    res0: List[String] = List($intp)

    After defining classes/variables as in example above;

    scala> $intp.unqualifiedIds
    res3: List[String] = List($intp, Bar, Bar, myBar, res0, res1, res2)