Hello all you smart CSS people... I've got a Doozey!
https://tritonmedicine.com/services is the page in question
It's the title down the page a bit, next to the picture
How do I style ONLY the ::before pseudo-class/id for the "preventative care" title? I'm trying to add the word "ADULT" in front of it, but if I use the id#1506, it won't work. If I only use the class (.tab-pane.active), it puts "ADULT" in front of every active title. What am I doing wrong here?
This DOESN'T work:
#1506.tab-pane.active > div:nth-child(2) > div > h3::before {
content: 'ADULT';
This DOES work (but styles them all, which I don't want):
.tab-pane.active > div:nth-child(2) > div > h3::before {
content: 'ADULT';
Any assistance is much appreciated :)
You can't select id
that start with number in CSS selectors
For more CSS-Tricks
try somthing like these tab1506
or tabPane1506
or tp1506
But there is another solution of your problem, you can use
Attribute selector:
[id="1506"].tab-pane.active > div:nth-child(2) > div > h3::before {
content: 'ADULT';
For more read here