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Proper way of creating a EventEmitter that works with Promises in the background

I'm creating a "class" that emits events such as error, data, downloadFile and initialize. Each event is fired after a request is made, and each event is fired by a method that has the same name:

class MyClass extends EventEmitter {
  constructor(data) { = data


  initialize() {
    const req ='url...')
    const res = await req // this will actually fire the request
    this.url = res.body
    return res

  downloadFile() {
    const req = superagent.put(this.url)
    const res = await req; // this will actually fire the request
    req.on('progress', (progress) => this.emit('downloadFile', progress)
    // save to disk
    return res

  data() {
    // Next in the sequence. And will fire the 'data' event: this.emit('data', data)

  error(err) {
    this.emit('error', err)

After that I have the data method to be called. My doubt is: Is there a design pattern to call the events in sequence without using Promises? Currently I'm using chaining, but I'm feeling that this isn't the best approach, maybe I'm wrong.


But I feel that could be a better approach.

Answers for bergi's questions:

a) Why are you using class syntax?

Because it's easier to inherit from EventEmitter and personally I think it's more readable than using a constructor functin, e.g:

function Transformation(data) { = data

// Prototype stuffs here

b) How this code is going to be used

I'm creating a client to interact with my API. The ideia is that the user can see what is happening in the background. E.g:

const data = {
 data: {},
 format: 'xls',
 saveTo: 'path/to/save/xls/file.xls'

const transformation = new Transformation(data)

// Events
transformation.on('initialize', () => {
  // Here the user knows that the transformation already started

transformation.on('fileDownloaded', () => {
  // Here the file has been downloaded to disk

transformation.on('data', (data) => {
  // Here the user can see details of the transformation -
  //   name,
  //   id,
  //   size,
  //   the original object,
  //   etc

transformation.on('error', () => {
  // Here is self explanatory, if something bad happens, this event will be fired

c) What it is supposed to do?

The user will be able to transform a object with data into a Excel.


  • It sounds like the transformation object you are creating is used by the caller solely for listening to the events. The user does not need a class instance with properties to get or methods to call. So don't make one. KISS (keep it super simple).

    function transform(data) {
      const out = new EventEmitter();
      async function run() {
        try {
          const url = await initialise();
          const data = await downloadFile(url);
          out.emit('data', data);
        } catch(err) {
          out.emit('error', err);
      async function initialise() {
        const req ='url...')
        const res = await req // this will actually fire the request
        return res.body
      async function downloadFile(url) {
        const req = superagent.put(url)
        req.on('progress', (progress) => out.emit('downloadFile', progress)
        const res = await req; // this will actually fire the request
        // save to disk
        return data;
      return out;

    It might be even simpler to leave out the (once-only?) data and error events and just to return a promise, alongside the event emitter for progress notification:

      return {
        promise: run(), // basically just `initialise().then(downloadFile)`
        events: out