I have this code
int Iminente(char tab[3][3], char comp, char jog, char str[3][3]){
int i, j, X = 0, val;
char col[4], diag[2][4];
strcpy(diag[0], &tab[0][0]); // Diagonal E-D C-B (= \ )
strcat(diag[0], &tab[1][1]);
strcat(diag[0], &tab[2][2]);
strcpy(diag[1], &tab[0][2]); // Diagonal D-E B-C (= / )
strcat(diag[1], &tab[1][1]);
strcat(diag[1], &tab[2][0]);
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
strcpy(col, &tab[0][i]); // Colunas
strcat(col, &tab[1][i]);
strcat(col, &tab[2][i]);
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++){
if(strcmp(str[j], tab[i]) == 0){ // Verifica linhas
Jogar(tab, comp, InvPosicao(i, j));
return 1;
if(strcmp(str[j], col) == 0){ // Verifica colunas
Jogar(tab, comp, InvPosicao(i, j));
return 1;
if(!X){ // Verifica diagonais
if(strcmp(str[j], diag[0]) == 0){
Jogar(tab, comp, InvPosicao(j, j));
return 1;
}else if(strcmp(str[j], diag[1]) == 0){
val = 2 - j;
Jogar(tab, comp, InvPosicao(val, j));
return 1;
X = 1;
return 0;
The error only occurs when we reach instruction return 0
. I can't find where it is exactly. All I can say is that all information is given by me (not the user) and I defined the variables according to the length I predicted it would be.
This is part of the Tic-Tac-Toe game. here are the variables
tab - 3x3 table, each element is a char
comp - current computer char
jog - current player char
str - group of "strings" with 3 elements each with length 3 (null terminator not included)
i, j - iterators
X - "state" variable (not important)
val - not important
col - string with the current column
diag - group of "strings" with 2 elements each with length 4 (null terminator included)
possible values for `str`:
char perder[3][3] = {{' ', jog, jog}, {jog, ' ', jog}, {jog, jog, ' '}};
char ganhar[3][3] = {{' ', comp, comp}, {comp, ' ', comp}, {comp, comp, ' '}};
value for `tab`:
char jogo[3][3] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '}; // Elements can be ' ', 'O', or 'X'
values for `jog` and `comp`:
'O' or 'X'
Is it related to the strcat()
and strcpy()
As @John3136 mentioned, my code was a mess.
So, to solve the problem, I implemented a function to add a character to a string:
void AdicionaCar(char *s, char c){
int length = strlen(s);
s[length] = c;
s[length+1] = '\0';
and replaced all instances of strcat
and strcpy
with this function.
Then initialized the variables diag
and col
with a null-terminator, so that they could become strings. Changed the formal parameters to pointers (not all of them) and now the function header looks like this:
int Iminente(char (*tab)[3], char comp, char jog, char (*str)[3])