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How to mock a variable that uses another static final variable in another class

I am having a problem setting up this method under test in junit. I am trying to test the method to updateConfigDates with a new timestamp. Please bear with me here, as there is a lot of information provided and it doesn't really look too pretty.

Here is the method under test.

public static Document updateConfigDates(Document doc, Timestamp configDate)
    //Format timestamp to string
    String configTimestampStr = GTR_DATE_FORMAT.format(configDate) + "Z";

    //Change configuration date for all nodes in GTR
    NodeList configIDNodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("ConfigDate");
    for (Element cidNode : new DOMUtil.ElementList(configIDNodes))

    return doc;

The problem is on the line:

    //Format timestamp to string
    String configTimestampStr = GTR_DATE_FORMAT.format(configDate) + "Z";

Which is using a public final class Constants

public final class Constants
    /** GTR Timestamp formatter without micro-second */
    public static final FastDateFormat GTR_DATE_FORMAT 
                           = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");

Here is my current test case

public void testUpdateConfigDates() throws Exception
    // check if configDate in document is expected
    String docConfigDate = doc.getElementsByTagName("ConfigDate").item(0).getTextContent();
    assertEquals(docConfigDate, "2012-02-22T16:07:27Z");"docConfigDate: " + docConfigDate);

    // variables
    Timestamp newConfigDate = Timestamp.valueOf("2009-07-29 13:24:11");

    // Mocking statics

    // String configTimestampStr = GTR_DATE_FORMAT.format(configDate) + "Z";
    //common.setFinalStatic(GTRUtility.class.getDeclaredField("configTimestampStr"), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" + "Z");
    common.setFinalStatic(Constants.class.getDeclaredField("GTR_DATE_FORMAT"), FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"));

    /* setFinalStatic ExceptionInInitializerError information below
     * Field#set(Object, Object) can be used to set static fields.
     * If you try to set the field of an uninitialized class, the JVM will first try to initialize the class.
     * If a failure occurs, then set will throw a ExceptionInInitializerError.

    // execute method under test
    doc = gtrUtility.updateConfigDates(doc, newConfigDate);

    // verify expectations
    docConfigDate = doc.getElementsByTagName("ConfigDate").item(0).getTextContent();
    assertEquals(docConfigDate, "2009-07-29 13:24:11");

Using a setFinalStatic solution posted here, which successfully works with some other tests I'm doing.

public static void setFinalStatic(Field field, Object newValue) throws Exception
    // remove final modifier from field
    Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
    modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
    field.set(null, newValue);

I have tried several solutions:

  • My new and most recent method, using setFinalStatic method
  • Mocking Constants result with PowerMockito and Mockito.
  • Mocking GTR_DATE_FORMAT instance with PowerMockito and Mockito.
  • Mocking FastDateFormat with PowerMockito and Mockito.

All of which have failed. I think the setFinalStatic method is the closest, however I am currently getting error ExceptionInInitializerError (as also discussed from a user here and in Oracle Doc here)


  • It turns out the answer to my problem was that the Constants file was executing some initialization methods (in this case: safeGetTypeId(x) on an object, from database) that I have to mock.

    I should have noticed this faster when realizing that updateObjectId hardcoded test was working and the updateTimestamp using the constants class GTR_DATE_FORMAT.

    The constructors were empty and I wasn't expecting anything else to be executed.

    This is kind of an extreme and complicated question, so I may delete this question, however if it could help somebody in the future I will leave it.