In Highchartjs we can have grid lines based on series points. However I'd like to modify that by adding as many grid lines as I prefer.
In other words, I'd like to set this Grid-line as a background for this JsFiddle highchartjs line-graph
From looking at the docs, both the xAxis
and yAxis
support gridlines
The question really is; Is it possible to do this? If so please shed some light to this matter.
This can be set pretty much as you said:
xAxis: {
minorTickInterval: 0.25,
gridLineWidth: 1
yAxis: {
minorTickInterval: 0.25,
gridLineWidth: 1
The minorTickInterval
governs how many "boxes" you have. Since the tick interval is 1 here, I set the minorTickInterval
to 0.25, 1/0.25 = 4. Setting it to 0.2 would give 5 small boxes. Naturally if you change scale on the axes this will change as well.
Working example:
API refs: gridLineWidth
and minorTickInterval