I cant connect to video session in vidyo getting following errors in the log:
Blockquote 2018-02-12 08:34:37.297 +00:00: ERROR: LmiTransport: [System thread]: LmiTcpTransport.c:1422: LmiTcpTransportConstructAddressFromString: Error resolving address Undefined 2018-02-12 08:34:37.297 +00:00: ERROR: LmiCsWebProxy: [System thread]: LmiCsWebProxyTransport.c:303: LmiCsWebProxyTransportConstruct: ProxyTransportConstruct: TransportAddressConstructFromString failed. 2018-02-12 08:34:37.298 +00:00: ERROR: VidyoConnector: Execute Async-0: ..\VidyoConnector.c:2925: VidyoConnectorRunOnAsyncLoginFailureCallback_: VidyoConnectorConnectFailed VIDYO_CONNECTORFAILREASON_ConnectionFailed onfailure called ConnectorfailreasonConnectionFailed
How can I solve this issue ?
I have finally solved the problem. I was running fiddler in the background so it causes WPAD to discover wrong web proxy server. I solved it by calling SetWebProxyTransport on vidyo io connector and passing it false or by just closing the fiddler that has solved the issue.