I have a JUnit test class which runs 15 tests. 5 of the tests are optional in that I only wish to run them if a particular variable gets initialized by an argument. If the variable value is null I'd like to ignore these tests. Is this possible and if so, how?
Approach 1:
You can use JUnit-ext. It has RunIf
annotation that performs conditional tests, like:
public void calculateTotalSalary() {
//your code there
class DatabaseIsConnected implements Checker {
public boolean satisify() {
return Database.connect() != null;
Approach 2
Another approach is to use Assume
. You can do it in a @Before
method or in the test itself, but not in an @After
method. If you do it in the test itself, your @Before
method will get run. You can also do it within @BeforeClass
to prevent class initialization. For example:
public void beforeMethod() {
Approach 3
I think an another option for you may be to create an annotation to denote that the test needs to meet your custom criteria, then extend the default runner with your own and using reflection, base your decision on the custom criteria. It may look something like this:
public class CustomRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {
public CTRunner(Class<?> klass) throws initializationError {
protected boolean isIgnored(FrameworkMethod child) {
if(shouldIgnore()) {
return true;
return super.isIgnored(child);
private boolean shouldIgnore(class) {
/* some custom criteria */