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puppeteer page.evaluate path vs test-ID

Im trying get the value from a div in puppeteer e2e tests. The pice of html and js looks a bit like this. The problem is the results. When I run this code with the id's its result is literally ' ' just a empty line in the console.

However if I swap },'[data-testid="TestID10"]') with the commented line of code I get the right response 'Hello World' in the console. (note: using Full html selector path's is not a good practice when working with puppeteer)

Can anyone tell me why this won't work with ID's? and how I can get around this since using HTML selectors is really a bad practice.

Kind regards!

const value1 = await page
        .then(() => {
            return Promise.resolve(
                page.evaluate((path) => {
                    return window.document
    //  },'#0-row-0 > div > div.TableCell.row-0.col-0.TextInputCell > div')
<div class="TextInputCell" data-testid="TestID10">
  <span class="value">Hello Word</span>


  • The follwing works fine for me. Notice I put the selector into a variable rather than using a string. Also I am returning the innerText not value as in your example. HTH

    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); 
    async function run() { 
    const htmlStr = '<!doctype html><html><head></head>' +
      '<body><div class="TextInputCell" data-testid="TestID10">' +
      '<span class="value">Hello Word</span></div></body></html>';
      const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
          headless: false
      const page = await browser.newPage();
      await page.setContent(htmlStr);    
      const selector = '[data-testid="TestID10"]';
      await page.waitForSelector(selector);
      var innerText = await page.evaluate((sel) => {
            return document.querySelector(sel).innerText;
      }, selector);