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SQL: user defined columns

In my application I need a member list with custom columns. So I create a members table with only the ID. The member_attributes table contains the name and the type (e.g. 'Name', 'string' or 'Birthday', 'date'). In the third table I have the foreign key of members table (member_id), the foreign key for the attribute table (member_attribute_id) and the value of the attribute.

members: id, timestamps

member_attributes: id, name, type, timestamps

member_attribute_values: member_id, member_attribute_id, value

First question: is this the correct method to achieve this. It's working so far.

And second question is how to select all attributes, even if they are empty. I tried a right join, but that does not work:

SELECT * FROM member_attributes
RIGHT JOIN member_attribute_values on (member_attribute_values.member_attribute_id =
RIGHT JOIN members on ( = member_attribute_values.member_id)

Check this fiddle:!9/7e097b/1


  • You can achieve this with the Cross join and Sub-Query

    SELECT * FROM (SELECT as member_id, as attributesid, name, type FROM attributes, members) as t
    left join member_attribute_values as mav on t.member_id = mav.member_id and
    t.attributesid = mav.member_attribute_id
    order by t.member_id

    SQL Fiddler:!9/3799f/9