I'm working with FXML and have two different Scene on a single Stage. btnStart is on scene1, and imgBtn is on scene2. When I click btnStart it sets scene2 to stage and loads an image to imageView (this is throwing NullPointerException). But when I click imgBtn on scene2 it is loading image.
My question is how to load image dynamically when I switch to scene2 ?
@FXML private Button imgBtn;
@FXML private Button btnStart;
@FXML public ImageView imageView;
public void imgBtnClicked()throws Exception{
imageView.setImage(new Image(new FileInputStream("src/Assets/CardAssets/png-v2/3C.png")));
public void btnStartClicked()throws Exception{
imageView.setImage(new Image(new FileInputStream("src/Assets/CardAssets/png-v2/3C.png")));
public void SetScene2()throws Exception {
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(fxmlFile2.fxml));
String css=getClass().getResource("myStyle.css").toExternalForm();
Scene scene;
scene=new Scene(root,root.getScene().getWidth(),root.getScene().getHeight());
catch(NullPointerException e) {
scene=new Scene(root,stage.getWidth(),stage.getHeight());
The question is not exactly very clear, so I'm going to make some guesses here. The most likely problem is that you have confused which Node
s are on which scene which is on which controller.
The correct structure for this is that you have two sets of each of the following items:
object.This is how it should be done:
public class ControllerA {
@FXML private Button btnStart;
public void btnStartClicked()throws Exception{
public void setScene2()throws Exception {
// You may need to set the controller to an instance of ControllerB,
// depending whether you have done so on the FXML.
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(fxmlFile2.fxml));
String css=getClass().getResource("myStyle.css").toExternalForm();
Scene scene;
scene=new Scene(root,root.getScene().getWidth(),root.getScene().getHeight());
catch(NullPointerException e) {
scene=new Scene(root,stage.getWidth(),stage.getHeight());
public class ControllerB {
@FXML private ImageView imageView;
@FXML private Button imgBtn;
@FXML public void initialize() {
imageView.setImage(new Image(new FileInputStream("src/Assets/CardAssets/png-v2/3C.png")));
public void imgBtnClicked()throws Exception{
imageView.setImage(new Image(new FileInputStream("src/Assets/CardAssets/png-v2/3C.png")));