we are trying to shutdown all process which are all running in micro service
Any other action on the channel. I'd like to let the consumers finish whatever message they're processing and then close everything down.
if we stop the running process and allow the transfer of data then wait until the specified time period mentioned in shutdown hook timeout and then it gets terminated.
we have created bean like below
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer SimpleMessageListenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(rabbitConnectionFactory);
container.setShutdownTimeout(900000); // tried
return container;
with above bean tried to achieve but it did't work. we are using spring-rabbit 1.7.3.RELEASE.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.137 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Waiting for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.137 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Successfully waited for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.137 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.c.s.DefaultLifecycleProcessor : Stopping beans in phase 2147482647
2018-02-13 13:07:11.137 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Waiting for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.137 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Successfully waited for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.137 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.a.i.AmqpInboundChannelAdapter : stopped inbound.x
2018-02-13 13:07:11.138 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.c.s.DefaultLifecycleProcessor : Stopping beans in phase 1073741823
2018-02-13 13:07:11.139 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Waiting for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.139 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Successfully waited for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.139 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.a.i.AmqpInboundChannelAdapter : stopped a
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Waiting for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Successfully waited for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.a.i.AmqpInboundChannelAdapter : stopped b
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Waiting for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Successfully waited for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.a.i.AmqpInboundChannelAdapter : stopped c
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Waiting for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Successfully waited for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.a.i.AmqpInboundChannelAdapter : stopped d
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Waiting for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Successfully waited for workers to finish.
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.a.i.AmqpInboundChannelAdapter : stopped e
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.c.s.DefaultLifecycleProcessor : Stopping beans in phase 0
2018-02-13 13:07:11.140 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.e.EventDrivenConsumer : Removing {json-to-object-transformer:convertEventJSONToObject} as a subscriber to the 'eventJSONToObjectChannel' channel
2018-02-13 13:07:11.141 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.c.DirectChannel : Channel 'xxx:local:8006.eventJSONToObjectChannel' has 0 subscriber(s).
2018-02-13 13:07:11.143 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.e.EventDrivenConsumer : stopped convertEventJSONToObject
2018-02-13 13:07:11.144 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.e.EventDrivenConsumer : Removing {bridge} as a subscriber to the 'asyncEventTypeRouterChannel' channel
2018-02-13 13:07:11.144 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.c.ExecutorChannel : Channel 'xxx:local:1234.asyncEventTypeRouterChannel' has 0 subscriber(s).
2018-02-13 13:07:11.144 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.e.EventDrivenConsumer : stopped org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#0
2018-02-13 13:07:11.144 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.e.EventDrivenConsumer : Removing {router:springIntEventRouter} as a subscriber to the 'eventTypeRouterChannel' channel
2018-02-13 13:07:11.145 INFO 13412 --- [on(9)-] o.s.i.c.DirectChannel : Channel 'xxx:local:1234.eventTypeRouterChannel' has 0 subscriber(s).
have tried with setting shutdown properties to container but still it gets shutdown by default sec or before that ;and not with override set properties.
we have tested by terminate button in STS and by ctr+c in console for above 1 and 2 point to achieve but it's not waiting for mentioned shutdown time.kindly help on this.
is there any way to determine the duration of shutdown time run.
It works exactly as you have it...
public class So48747564Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So48747564Application.class, args);
public ApplicationRunner runner(RabbitTemplate template, SimpleMessageListenerContainer container) {
return args -> {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
String line = null;
while (!"quit".equals(line)) {
line = scanner.nextLine();
template.convertAndSend("so48747564", line);
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer container(ConnectionFactory cf) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(cf);
container.setMessageListener(new MessageListenerAdapter(new Object() {
public void handleMessage(String in) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Received: " + in);
System.out.println("Listener exiting");
return container;
public Queue queue() {
return new Queue("so48747564");
Received: foo
Listener exiting
Received: quit
2018-02-12 13:31:23.585 INFO 14916 --- [ main] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer
: Waiting for workers to finish.
Listener exiting
2018-02-12 13:31:28.589 INFO 14916 --- [ main] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer
: Successfully waited for workers to finish.