My below test works,
let output = mount(story);
But I need to even alllow Batman and Spiderman to pass: I need to check if output.text() has either -> ['Superman','Batman','Spiderman']
Can't do it with
output.text() willl contain "Superman is the best" or "Spiderman is the best"
You can add your own matcher instead of toContain
toContainHero(text) {
let pass = false;
const heroes = ['Superman','Batman','Spiderman'];
heroes.forEach((hero) => {
pass = text.indexOf(hero) !== -1;
if (pass) {
return {
message: () =>
`expected hero to be found`,
pass: true,
} else {
return {
message: () => `expected hero to be not found`,
pass: false,
And then do: