I have a Spring Boot project. In it I have a java class BookTests which contains:
plugin = {
glue = {
,tags = {"@findConsideringGrants"}
public class BookTests {
// No implementation required. The Cucumber annotations drive the test execution.
I'm using Junit 4. when I "Debug As JUnit Test" this class it only runs the feature file which is annotated with "@findConsideringGrants (as it should)
Is there a way i don't have to hard-code this tags annotation in the java class but instead specify the tags as Program argumnents or VM arguuments?
I tried configuring it with Program argumnents, but with all the following attempts it ignored the argument and ran the tests on all my features/tags:
--tags findConsideringGrants
-tags findConsideringGrants
--tags @findConsideringGrants
-tags @findConsideringGrants
So to summerize, i'm looking for a way to
1) debug in eclipse a certain feature
2) without hardcoding the name of the feature into the java source. Somehow by just configuring the debug configuration.
is this even possible?
If you are using maven you can use -- mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @findConsideringGrants"
Or you can use the cucumber cli command to run -- Main.main(new String[]{"-g", "classpath to step definition file","-t", "tags to use", "-p", "plugins to use", "Full path to feature file"})
. The feature file path has to be the last option.
Running from eclipse --
Go to the "Environment" tab of the "Debug Configurations" or "Run Configurations" window. Click on "New" button. For the "Name" add "cucumber.options
" and "Value" add "--tags @findConsideringGrants
". Apply and Run. If you want to add a specific feature file path add only the path to the end of this.