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VBA, Query Vertica database and populate to excel

I query a vertica database (using squirrel-sql tool). Is this possible to be done in excel and populate into a worksheet? Does anyone have a possible solution for this?

Can't find anything about this online. I have the driver location, host name, port name, user/pass.



  • You can query Vertica directly from excel. I did it and it works, just download ODBC driver, install driver, setup DNS and follow to instructions.

    For version 7.x, read here

    UPDATE on comment

    Full documentation: Installing the Client Drivers and Tools on Windows

    1. Download Windows Client Drivers from here. Excel require ODBC drivers.
    2. Install drivers(double click on exe file -> next -> next -> profit!!).
    3. Set up ODBC DNS, instructions are here
    4. Follow to instructions here
    5. profit!