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Genetic Algorithm Tournament Selection

I'm writing a genetic algorithm and I plan to move from roulette wheel selection to tournament selection, but I suspect my understanding may be flawed.

If I'm only selecting the n/2 best solutions in the population, surely I run out of population quite quickly?

My understanding of the algorithm is:

for(Member m in currentPopulation){
    Member randomMember1 = random member of currentPopulation which is then removed from currentPopulation
    Member randomMember2 = as above;
    //Mutate and crossover

    if(randomMember1.getScore() > randomMember2.getScore()){
    } else {

Am I understanding this correctly?


  • In tournament selection the selected individuals are not removed from the population. You may select the same individuals to take part in multiple tournaments.

    Having looked at your code a little closer, I see you do have another misunderstanding. You would not typically mutate/crossover all members of the tournament. Instead, you perform a tournament, with the winner of that tournament being select as an individual to undergo mutation/crossover. This means that for mutation your tournament size must be at least 2, and for crossover the size must be at least 3 with the best 2 winning (or you can perform 2 separate tournaments to choose each of the parents to crossover).

    Some pseudo-code might help:

    while (nextPopulation too small) {
        Members tournament = randomly choose x members from currentPopulation
            Member parents = select best two members from tournament
            Member children = crossover(parents)
        } else {
            Member parent = select best one member from tournament
            Member child = mutate(parent)