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How to add web3j to my project in NetBeans

I'm trying to use web3j ( and I can't figure out how.

I know Java (I've developed android apps in android studio) but not netbeans. Though I haven't touched Java in forever. I am familiar with building and interacting with Ethereum contracts from the command line.

I need to connect to an Ethereum contract through java, so I googled around for a while and found web3j. However... I can't figure out how to actually use/install/require it. There's a sample project, but I'm not sure how to import that to netbeans. And when I google "connect to ethereum with java" or something along those lines all the articles gloss over the web3j part and just assume it's already setup.

How do I add this library to my Java project in netbeans?


  • In Netbeans, create a new "Maven Java Project".

    In the file pom.xml, simply add the following code. This will make the "include"
