I'd like to know if it is possible to achieve this in javascript:
function Hello() { }
Hello.prototype.echo = function echo() {
return 'Hello ' + this.firstname + '!';
// execute the curryed new function
console.log(new Hello()('firstname').echo())
Is it possible to curry var o = new Class()(param1)(param2)(...)
Thank you in advance for your help.
Using the answer of georg with an array of the properties and a counter for assigning an arbitrary count of properties.
function Hello() {
var args = ['firstname', 'lastname'],
counter = 0,
self = function (val) {
self[args[counter++]] = val;
return self;
Object.setPrototypeOf(self, Hello.prototype);
return self;
Hello.prototype.echo = function echo() {
return 'Hello ' + this.firstname + ' ' + (this.lastname || '') + '!';
console.log(new Hello()('Bob').echo());
console.log(new Hello()('Marie')('Curie').echo());