I am trying to establish this GET request:
When I do this using postman, it works out perfectly. However, when I do this using an HttpRequest the body of the request returns as a null object.
HttpRequest r = Unirest.get("http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/trades.csv").queryString("symbol", "krakenUSD").queryString("start", "1303100000");
I get a null pointer error at:
What is the proper way to submit this GET request? I am not sure if queryString() is what I should use?
First, the request you are making might not return JSON. Look at the endpoint URL:
It most likely returns CSV, not JSON.
If the content type is 'application/json' or the URL is *.json, you have to invoke the .asJson method:
.queryString("symbol", "krakenUSD")
.queryString("start", "1303100000")
Reference: http://unirest.io/java.html