I mapped my reads to my assembly using the bwa mem
algorithm and extracted the number of reads per base (= coverage) using samtools depth
. The resulting file is the following:
1091900001 1 236
1091900001 2 245
1091900001 3 265
1091900001 4 283
1091900001 5 288
1091900002 1 297
1091900002 2 312
1091900002 3 327
1091900002 4 338
1091900002 5 348
with three columns: name of the contig (since it is a multi-contig file, this ID changes) - position (base) - number of reads that mapped (coverage).
Now I want to calculate the coverage (third column) in sliding windows; in a window size of 3 and slide of 2 as the mean - per contig (first column).
I want to use the rollapply
function of the zoo
cov <- read.table("file",header=FALSE, sep="\t", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
library(reshape) #loads the library to rename the column names
cov<-rename(cov,c(V1="Chr", V2="locus", V3="depth")) #renames the header
rollapply(cov$depth, width = 3, by = 2, FUN = mean, align = "left")
But this of course does not take into account the contig. Plus, my expected output should include the contig-info & the window, it was calculated:
1091900001 1 3 248.6667
1091900001 3 5 278.6667
1091900002 1 3 312.0000
1091900002 3 5 337.6667
Is there an easy way for doing that in R
Here's how you can do this with the dplyr
functions group_by
and do
cov %>%
group_by(Chr) %>%
window.start = rollapply(.$locus, width=3, by=2, FUN=min, align="left"),
window.end = rollapply(.$locus, width=3, by=2, FUN=max, align="left"),
coverage = rollapply(.$depth, width=3, by=2, FUN=mean, align="left")
# # A tibble: 4 x 4
# # Groups: Chr [2]
# Chr window.start window.end coverage
# <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
# 1 1091900001 1 3 248.6667
# 2 1091900001 3 5 278.6667
# 3 1091900002 1 3 312.0000
# 4 1091900002 3 5 337.6667
allows you to return an arbitrary number of values from grouped operations in the form of a data.frame. In this case, we return a the rolling mean of the coverage value, along with the min
and max
values from locus
from each window.
If your dataset is large, you may be better off performing the calculation using data.table
. Its syntax is a bit harder to understand if you haven't seen it before, but it can offer substantial speed improvements in grouped operations on bigger data. Here's how your operation works with data.table
cov[, .(
window.start = rollapply(locus, width=3, by=2, FUN=min, align="left"),
window.end = rollapply(locus, width=3, by=2, FUN=max, align="left"),
coverage = rollapply(depth, width=3, by=2, FUN=mean, align="left")
Based on the sample rows you provided, here are the benchmark results for the dplyr
and data.table
approaches (measured in milliseconds):
# dplyr:
min lq mean median uq max neval
7.811753 8.685976 10.10268 9.243551 10.42691 144.5274 1000
# data.table:
min lq mean median uq max neval
1.924472 2.105459 2.510832 2.30479 2.685706 8.848451 1000
So on the sample data, the data.table
option is about 4x faster on average.