I'm working with terraforming gcloud resources and need to create gcloud container registry and trying to use below sample from terraform.io
data "google_container_registry_repository" {}
output "gcr_location" {
value = "${data.google_container_registry_repository.repository_url}"
and receving below error when I run terraform plan
'data' must be followed by exactly two strings: a type and a name
Any working sample that I can refer to ?
terraform.io syntax : https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/d/google_container_registry_repository.html
terraform version: Terraform v0.11.2
Edit : updated to Terraform v0.11.3 and still same problem.
Try this:
data "google_container_registry_repository" "myregistry" {}
output "gcr_location" {
value = "${data.google_container_registry_repository.myregistry.repository_url}"