So I want my users to be able to click a link in a simple modal jquery box and have it close the current modal box and open a new one with new content.
So far this has not worked:
$('#search_dialog_link').click(function () {
position: [150,125],
minWidth: 400
$('#create_course_link').click(function() {
position: [150,125],
minWidth: 400
Where #search_dialog_link, #create_course_link, #search_dialog, and #add_course_dialog are established this way:
<div id="default-content">
This is the page where all of your classes and a list of upcoming assignments will be displayed.
Since you do not have any classes, why not try to add one by clicking the link below.<br><br>
<center><div id="search_dialog_link">+Add a Course</div></center>
<div id="search_dialog">
<p>Search for the teacher of your class:</p>
<form id="searchform"><input type="text" width="200px" size="30" value="" id="inputString" />
<div style="font-size: 10; position:relative; bottom:20px; left: 200px;">Dont see it?<div id="create_course_link">Create</div> a new class.</div>
<div id="add_course_dialog">
Note that the #search_dialog box opens correctly and when the user clicks the div #create_course_link the original modal box closes. But the new modal box does not display. What am I doing wrong?
There is a "bug" with v1.4.1 that is probably causing the issue. To fix an Opera issue, there is a setTimeout call in the close function.
To work around it, you could update your code as follows:
$('#create_course_link').click(function() {
setTimeout(function () {
position: [150,125],
minWidth: 400
}, 20);