first of all when i'll get to my computer i will post code.
I'm trying to add and update the RecyclerViews from Speechrecognition data. For SpeechRecognition i'm using Google Cloud Speech I'm making a "Chat - view" every time the Speech is completed is adding the result to RecyclerView. I want to modify it by adding the new item as the onVoice() is recognized and update it as is recognizing the speech ( the result is still not final)
My approach was: as the SpeechRecognition is triggered by voice the new item is added (onVoiceStart) as the recognizers onVoice callback is triggered (new speech data chunk is recognized) i will delete the RecyclerViews last item and add the "chunk" to last position and after that calling adapter.notifyItemChanged(speechResults.size()-1)
Solution I :
// Step 1: find the holder
RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder = recyclerView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(speechResults.size() - 1);
// Step 2: Check if the holder is not null and if has itemView .
if (holder != null) {
if (holder.itemView != null) {
// from itemview find the TextView and set the desired text :
if (holder.getAdapterPosition() == speechResults.size() - 1) {
((TextView) holder.itemView.findViewById(
// Now update the adapter item also but do not notify the adapter change.
Solution II : Using library LastAdapter
Add Dependecy -> follow this
in the Layout add new the root tag "< layout"
//Delte the space after "<"
< layout xmlns:android="">
<variable name="item" type="com.github.nitrico.lastadapterproject.item.Header"/>
// you use like thius "@{youritem.speecSent"
//Delte the space after "< "
< /layout>
NOTE: for using multiple layouts the data tag must have same variable name.
// this name has to be same in every xml layout types.
<variable name="item" type="com.github.nitrico.lastadapterproject.item.Header"/>
Java part: NOTE : listOfItems must be Observable ArrayList
speechResults = new ObservableArrayList<>();
new LastAdapter(speechResults , BR.item)
.map(SpeechResult.class, R.layout.speech_sent)
.map(SpeechResult.class, R.layout.speech_received)
BR.item - > you have to enable the databinding in build Gradle. the .item - > is the name given in the layout for data (that has to be same)
if you want to handle the LayoutType using the same Item type (Class)
new LastAdapter(speechResults, BR.item )
.map(SpeechResult.class, R.layout.speech_sent_content)
.map(SpeechResult.class, R.layout.speech_received_content)
.handler(new TypeHandler() {
public BaseType getItemType(Object o, int i) {
if(((SpeechResult) o).getSpeechType()==SpeechResult.SPEECH_TYPE_SENT){
return new BaseType(R.layout.speech_sent_content);
return new BaseType(R.layout.speech_received_content);
to adding new items in the recyclerView simply add item to your itemlist. LastAdapter will handle the refresh of data.