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LC-3 Assembly "Duplicate Label" Error

Writing a program in assembly to print two characters from input, by first comparing them and printing the one with the larger ASCII code first. I wrote what makes sense to me, but the assembler is giving me the error "Duplicate label(R2)". Does anyone have any idea why this wouldn't work?

.orig 3000 GETC LD R1,R0 GETC LD R2,R0 NOT R0,R2 ADD R0,R0,#1 ADD R0,R1,R0 BRN #3 OUT R1 OUT R2 BRNZP #2 OUT R2 OUT R1 HALT .end

Would also add that when I break the code and just take out the lines with R2, it spits out errors for the other registers. It's like the assembler is recognizing the registers as labels.


  • LD R2,R0

    You don't use LD this way.

    The syntax is LD DR, Label or LD DR, PCOffset9

    Also OUT R1

    OUT is a trap that prints out the character in R0 and only R0

    Perhaps the assembler has a bug that isn't marking these mistakes as syntax errors?