Ideally I am looking for something like PUSH or POP for">
Is there a way of pushing a packed doubleword integer from XMM register to the stack? and then later on pop it back when needed?
Ideally I am looking for something like PUSH or POP for general purpose registers, I have checked Intel manuals but I either missed the command or there isn't one...
Or will I have to unpack values to general registers and then push them?
No, there is no such a asm instruction under x86, but you can do something like:
//Push xmm0
sub esp, 16
movdqu dqword [esp], xmm0
//Pop xmm0
movdqu xmm0, dqword [esp]
add esp, 16
Upper code sample is direct push/pop emulation.
In case that you are using on stack also other local variables, than the ebp
register must be at first properly set, like:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, LocaStackVariablesSize
//... your code
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
In that case you can also use Daniels solution!