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idRepo filesize slowly growing to large

Currently im working on a project with a customer where we use openAm. We have however noticed that the idRepo file is slowly growing in size. Even though its growing slowly its already reaching 120Gb on some places where space is becoming increasingly limited. We have some documentation mentioning that whenever idRepo reaches such huge filesizes you need to adjust some settings in the file which is found in our:

installationDirectory\OpenAM\apache-tomcat-8.0.20\webapps\OpenAM-12.0.0\WEB-INF\classes directory

The documentation mentioned is found here: (

From what i could understand from that page is that i have to add:


to the file, which I did. We also, as noted in the documentation stopped and started the server. This happened 2 days ago as off writing this. The filesize however has not changed. Now here comes some inexperience on my part as i have close to zero knowledge of openAm and no clue what idRepo is. After googling i couldnt find a proper answer to this issue. I would expect that a log file is created every day since i added the rotation setting. The log folder is empty though. Now this is currently taking place on our develop/test server so the problem there isnt huge. But if we cant fix it on these servers we cant fix it on the PRODUCTION server which will slowly work towards a crash in that manner.

My collegues don't know the answer to this problem and with the limited documentation (or my lack of understanding it) I was hoping someone on stackOverflow could give me a better answer and/or solution.

If information is missing I will gladly add it where possible. Many thanks in advance!

EDIT: 12-02-2018 I have been keeping tabs on whether the filesize has been growing or not and i can state that the the test environment it isnt (This is where i have been making adjustments according to the answers) On the other 2 environments one being production the filesize is indeed growing slowly but surely. If i check the properties on the test environment it will tell me the last modification has been done 3 januari 2017. If i check it on either of the other 2 environments it will tell me the adjustment was done the very second i opened properties (to the second exact). The debugproperties file containing:


was also adjusted 3 januari 2017. This would make me believe that using these settings will prevent the idRepo file from growing any further than it has done till this point. If someone could verify that for me that would be great (im gonna test it in the acceptation enviroment on my own before i move to production).

Once again i would like to thank you guys for the quick replies and the help! If you need more information feel free to ask!


  • If this is happening in a dev environment, chances are that you have configured your OpenAM instance with message level debug log mode. To check the debug log level, you should go to Configuration -> Servers and sites -> Default Server (and/or each Server in the list individually) -> General tab.

    The fix should be to change the debug level to error, as it is less verbose, and less likely to cause disk space issues.

    I should also point out that the referenced org.forgerock.openam.debug.history.files.count setting does not actually exist as far as I can tell. The rolled over debug log files are never removed by OpenAM to the best of my knowledge.