Using querydsl, I came across a problem where I need to generate a case statement with varying number of when/then statements and an ultimate else expression.
As described here, I have been able to generate case statement with fixed number of when/then statements easily like this-
Expression<String> cases = customer.annualSpending
This is the approach I have already tried with no success-
Map<BooleanBuilder,SimplePath<?>> caseExpressionMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
CaseBuilder.Cases<?,?> caseExpression = null;
for(BooleanBuilder expression : caseExpressionMap.keySet()){
caseExpression = caseExpression.when(expression).then(caseExpressionMap.get(expression));
caseExpression = new CaseBuilder().when(expression).then(caseExpressionMap.get(expression));
I ran into some type issue -
The method then(capture#19-of ?) in the type CaseBuilder.CaseWhen is not applicable for the arguments (SimplePath)
Appreciate some help here.
Changing the generics of CaseBuilder did the job. This code will work-
Map<BooleanBuilder,String> caseExpressionMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
CaseBuilder.Cases<String,SimpleExpression<String>> cases = null;
for(BooleanBuilder expression : caseExpressionMap.keySet()){
caseExpression = caseExpression.when(expression).then(caseExpressionMap.get(expression));
caseExpression = new CaseBuilder().when(expression).then(caseExpressionMap.get(expression));