Using 2 objects of the same type, I'm trying to implement <
and >
, but I can't seem to find any authoritative source on what to do with either or both being Nothing
. In other words what the accepted practice or MSDN suggestions are.
Example code:
Private Shared _accessors As IEnumerable(Of Func(Of CmykColor, Decimal))
Public Shared Operator >(ByVal color1 As CmykColor, ByVal color2 As CmykColor) As Boolean
//' A null object is always less than a non-null object
If color1 Is Nothing OrElse color2 Is Nothing Then Return False
Dim foundGreater As Boolean
For Each prop In _accessors
If prop(color1) < prop(color2) Then Return False
If foundGreater = False AndAlso prop(color1) > prop(color2) Then foundGreater = True
Return foundGreater
End Operator
Accessors is my canonical method for centralizing an enumeration of the properties (all are decimal)
return false for both if either is Nothing
I found a comment, but can't seem to verify or validate it that
A null object is always less than a non-null object
How do I handle Nothing
This is what i was looking for:
By definition, any object compares greater than (or follows) null, and two null references compare equal to each other.
From Msdn documentation on IComparable.CompareTo
I don't see any reasoning or drawbacks to following compareTo on this as a general rule. Then, for specific usages or context check if throwing an exception makes more sense.