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Shifting by a number is different than shifting by a variable

I have the following c code:

int foo = 0;
printf("output1: %08x\n", (~0x0) << (~0));
printf("output2: %08x", (~0x0) << (~foo));

which prints out:

output1: ffffffff
output2: 80000000

Why does shifting by the same number produce a different result?


  • Basically your snippet is an orgy in undefined behavior.

    • 0x0 literals as well as variables of type int are signed, meaning they can get negative values. ~0 is always a negative value.
    • Left-shifting a signed int with negative value invokes undefined behavior. (6.5.7/4)
    • Attempting to shift more positions than there's room in the left operand invokes undefined behavior. (6.5.7/3)
    • Attempting to shift a negative amount of bits invokes undefined behavior. (6.5.7/3)

    Therefore anything can happen in this program, including the whole thing crashing and burning. As a rule of thumb, never use signed variables together with bitwise operators.