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Meteor Collection.insert() not returning Id

I'm trying to get the Id of the new insert so I can push the Id onto another collection.

According to this post => Meteor collection.insert callback to return new id and this post => Meteor collection.insert callback issues, I should be able to

return Collection.insert(obj);

and it will return the ID of the newly inserted data to my client.

Instead I'm getting an Observable like this:

    {_isScalar: false}
    _isScalar: false
       constructor: f Object()
       hasOwnProperty: f hasOwnProperty()
    //many other object properties

The documentation seems pretty clear that I should be getting the ID in return. Is this a bug?]

My version of meteor is I've been working on this issue for a few days and I've tried getting the ID many different ways, nothing I've tried results in the ID.

Here's my full code for reference:


submitStuff: function(data): string{
        var loggedInUser = Meteor.user();
        if (!loggedInUser || !Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser,['user','admin'])){
            throw new Meteor.Error("M504", "Access denied");
        } else {
                let insertedData = null;
                const model: MyModel[] = [{
                    data.stuff //bunch of data being inserted
              model.forEach((obj: MyModel) => {
                insertedData = Collection.insert(obj);
              return insertedData;
           } catch(e) {
                throw new Meteor.Error(e + e.reason, "|Throw new error|");

Client:'submitData', data, (error, value) => {
            this.errors.push(error + error.reason + "|new Error code|");
  'userPushId', value, (error) => { //this pushes Id onto the second collection
                    this.errors.push(error + error.reason + "|new Error code|");


  • Alright, so after searching around I realized I'm using angular-meteors rxjs package to create a MongoObservable when creating a collection instead of Mongo's regular collection.

    Because I'm using MongoObservable and trying to invoke .insert() on that, the return is a bit different then a regular Mongo Collection and will return an Observable instead of the Id. Documentation Here

    If you add a .collection after the collection name you will get the Id in return like so:

    submitStuff: function(data): string{
        var loggedInUser = Meteor.user();
        if (!loggedInUser || !Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser,['user','admin'])){
            throw new Meteor.Error("M504", "Access denied");
        } else {
                let id = new Mongo.ObjectID();
                const model: MyModel[] = [{
                    data.stuff //bunch of data being inserted
              model.forEach((obj: MyModel) => {
                insertedData = Collection.collection.insert(obj); //added .collection
              return insertedData;
           } catch(e) {
                throw new Meteor.Error(e + e.reason, "|Throw new error|");