for the first time I stumbled upon the concept of INNER JOIN with SqlLite while programming for Android. I managed to get something back but the problem now is that I want to display the data in a List and I cannot display the information as I supposed to.
Here is the query that retrieve the data
cursor = database.rawQuery("SELECT matchesbet._id, hometeam, awayteam, gamble " +
"FROM matchesbet INNER JOIN gambles ON matchesbet.idmatch = gambles.idmatch " +
"WHERE matchesbet.idbet = ? GROUP BY matchesbet.idmatch ORDER BY matchesbet._id DESC", selectionArgs);
The data are used in a class which extends CursorAdapter in the bindView method
TextView tvGamble = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
// Extract properties from cursor
int gamble = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("gamble"));
Now in the DB I save multiple "gamble" for each match but the only thing that I can display is 1 gamble.
Db tables structure and sample data
| id | idbet | idmatch | hometeam | awayteam | |
| 349 | 3000 | 27 | TeamA | TeamZ | |
| 350 | 2456 | 39 | TeamC | TeamG | |
| 351 | 2818 | 20 | TeamW | TeamB | |
| _id | idmatch | gamble | idbet |
| 349 | 27 | WIN | 3000 |
| 350 | 27 | LOST | 3000 |
| 351 | 27 | DRAW | 3000 |
| 489 | 1345 | WIN | 1981 |
Besed on the above data considering that I filter the Bet with ID = 3000 I would like to have a listItem with TeamA vs TeamZ (ID = 27) and in the same Row the string WIN, LOST, DRAW. Then iterate again through all the matches that have as IDBET = 3000
I'm not sure how to get out of this situation Hope someone can help Cheers
I believe what you want is as simple as :-
SELECT matchesbet._id, hometeam, awayteam, group_concat(gamble) AS gamble
FROM matchesbet JOIN gambles ON gambles.idmatch = matchesbet.idmatch
WHERE matchesbet.idbet = 3000
GROUP BY matchesbet.idmatch
ORDER BY matchesbet._id DESC;
i.e. Keeping the GROUP
but instead of selecting column gamble
selecting a column that is group_concat(gamble) AS gamble
By default the values are separated by a ,
. However you can specify another separator via a 2nd parameter e.g. group_concat(gamble,' - ')
give :-
You may find this link helpful Aggregate Functions