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How To Set up RapidMiner library in Android Studio

I am currently working on an object recognition app. I'm using Android Studio and I have created a Neural Network model on Rapid Miner Studio and saved it as PMML. I want to apply this model on a set of extracted features in Android Studio so that I can obtain a prediction (e.g: is the object a fruit/vegetable/nut?). However, I'm not able to integrate the Rapid Miner library in Android Studio. I've downloaded "rapidminer-extension-template" from Is it the correct file that should be downloaded?

I have looked for a working solution for the past 4 days but I can't seem to find one.

Do I have to use the Rapid Miner library to apply the PMML model or is it possible to use something else?


  • I downloaded the pmml-evaluator library and added it to my project. The documentation on GitHub helped me achieve what I was looking for; it was able to read the PMML model and provide a prediction.

    Also, even if on RapidMiner's website, they say that the PMML writer's list of compatible classifiers is restricted to the ones mentioned, I was able to save the Neural Net model and use it for prediction in Android Studio.