I was trying this but keep getting the error that gecko doesn't contain a definition for innerHTML..
GeckoElement g2element = null;
g2element = (GeckoElement)mainbrowsersrc.Document.GetElementByTagName("html");
rich1.Text = g2element.InnerHtml; // 48.066
rich1.Text = mainbrowsersrc.Document.GetElementsByTagName("html").innerHtml;
If you need the HTML of the entire page, then you should go with
(mainbrowsersrc.Document.DocumentElement as Gecko.DOM.GeckoHtmlHtmlElement)?.InnerHtml;
Please notice that the error that you get is because there is no method .GetElementByTagName(name);
- the method is called GetElementsByTagName(name)
- plural form.
This is because the tg name is not unique and the method returns a collection of elements with the same tag name - for example a collection of li
(list item) elements.
Consequently, if you want to get a particular element by tag name, you should do something like:
string html = mainbrowsersrc.Document.GetElementsByTagName("html").FirstOrDefault().innerHtml;
html = mainbrowsersrc.Document.GetElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHtml;