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How to vuetify page transition?

I have a spa vue page with vuetify, and when I change between the components of the aplication I want the component shows with a transition. I tried with the <v-slide-y-transition> tag and the transition="slide-y-transition attribute but nothing works. Here some examples of what I tried:

Example with the "vuetify tag":


Example with the attribute:

        <div transition="slide-y-transition">


  • The Vuetify transitions as you have them only work on the Vuetify library components. e.g. <v-menu transition="slide-x-transition"> where v-menu is one of the components. You can't use the transitions that way on a simple <div>.

    However, Vue.js itself supports transitions using the following format.

    <transition name="slide">
        <div> element you are apply the transition to</div>

    You will have to define the css for the transition as per the documentation here. or you can use a css library like Animate.css

    Example css from documentation:

    .slide-fade-enter-active {
       transition: all .3s ease;
    .slide-fade-leave-active {
       transition: all .8s cubic-bezier(1.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0);
    .slide-fade-enter, .slide-fade-leave-to {
       transform: translateX(10px);
       opacity: 0;