I am trying to use Hazelcast reliable topic from .Net Client.
Is there support for it?
From java client I have below methods:
ITopic<MyObject> topic = hazelcastInstance.getTopic(topicName);
ITopic<MyObject> topic = hazelcastInstance.getReliableTopic(topicName);
But from .Net Client I only have :
var topic = client.GetTopic<MyObject>(topicName);
I would also expect the below method:
var topic = client.GetReliableTopic<MyObject>(topicName);
I am using Hazelcast.Net -Version 3.9.2.
When I publish to reliable topic, I could not find a way to receive it from .net client..
The clients comparison page lists the features available per client. See here for .NET https://hazelcast.org/clients/net/ or here https://hazelcast.org/clients-languages/