So I am using Spring Data Cassandra and RxJava, I am looking for a way to use RxJava Observable with custom query building (the abstraction is to complicated to use in my case) and I was planning on using QueryDSL (the method findAll(Predicate), but it does not enable Async :/)
So far my best shot is to use AsyncCassandraTemplate to build a Query and return it as ListenableFuture so that it can be mapped to a Observable and be used with RxJava's Observable. Is there any other way?
There's no QueryDsl support Spring Data for Apache Cassandra. You can use Query
objects to create queries and ReactiveCassandraTemplate
for reactive API usage:
Mono<Person> person = cassandraTemplate.selectOneById(query(where("age").is(33)), Person.class);
Maybe<Person> maybe = Flowable.fromPublisher(person).firstElement();