Currently I'm retrieving data from SharePoint 2010 via SPservices.
function getData() {
operation: "GetListItems",
async: true,
listName: "RapportenLijst",
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
......CODE HERE ESSENTIALY FILTERING z:row; manipulating them to Table rows.
$("#Search").blur(function () {
if ($("#Search").val() !== "") {
} else {
alert("Nothing to be searched.");
if (rapportCatEx.indexOf($("#Search").val() != "") != -1) {
var zoekOpdracht = this.value;
var zoekCat = rapportCatEx.toLowerCase();
var zoekNaam = name.toLowerCase();
if (zoekNaam.indexOf($("#Search").val()) != -1) {
In here I made a Search functionality which filters the rows according to name and displaying it.
The problem is that at this point I got it to show searched results. But when the user needs another search it doesnt empty the previous search result.
I tried using..empty() but it just iterates, cleans the table, adds a row, cleans the table, adds a row.
Sow when multiple hits should be shown, it only shows one. When only one hit should be show, it shows the one.
How can I make it so that it only cleans the table for one time, and then appends all the found hits?
Is it that I execute the function whitin the function getData()?
You could use jQuery datatable with SPservices library as jQuery datatable has OOB search function.