So i am trying to use Jquery clone function. My problem is the first clone is okay. Then then the next are always appending two times.
var initpriceinquiry = function(){
$(document).on("click",".btn_addMore_unit",function () {
var cloned = $(".price_inquiry_source tbody ").html();
var oldL = $(".units").length;
cloned = cloned.replace(/\[\x\]/g,oldL);
modSelect2("select[name='pi_product_id[]']","/admin/price_inquiry/get_ajax_input?type=product_id&custom_type",function(obj) {
$.ajax({url:"", type: "get", data:"get_unit=1&product_id="+obj.val(), success: function(data)
eval("var record = "+data+";");
obj.parent().next().next().next().html("<textarea name = 'remark' class = 'form-control'></textarea>");
} });
<table class = 'hidden price_inquiry_source'>
<tr class = 'units'>
<td >
<select name = 'pi_product_id[]' class = 'form-control unitcodes[x]' style="width:120px">
<a href='javascript:void(0)' style='' onclick="$(this).parent().parent().remove();" class=''><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></a>
{{-- To BE CLONED --}}
Cloned should be inserted here
<table class="table table-condensed table-hover" id = "tableData">
<th>UNIT CODE</th>
<tr id = 'targetRow'>
<td colspan="4"><button class="btn btn-link btn_addMore_unit"
href="javascript:void(0)" style="display: inline-block;"><i class="fa fa-
plus "></i> ADD UNIT</a></td>
See Image Attached for my problem
Any help would be appreciated thanks!
Try this
//add `add_field_button` to your clone button
<a class="add_field_button btn btn-xs btn-success">Click me</a>
// add this class `input_fields_wrap` to your input field div
<div class="input_fields_wrap">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="" value="i will be clone">
$(document).ready(function() {
var max_fields = 10; //maximum input boxes allowed
var wrapper = $(".input_fields_wrap"); //Fields wrapper
var add_button = $(".add_field_button"); //Add button ID
var x = 1; //initlal text box count
$(add_button).click(function(e){ //on add input button click
if(x < max_fields){ //max input box allowed
x++; //text box increment
"<div class='form-group form-inline'>"+
"<label for=''>hello there</label>"+
"<input type='text' class='form-control' name='' value='i am cloned one'>"+
"<a href='#' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs remove_field'>remove me</a></div>");
$(wrapper).on("click",".remove_field", function(e){ //user click on remove text
e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('div').remove(); x--;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<a class="add_field_button btn btn-xs btn-success">clone me</a>
<div class="col-md-4 input_fields_wrap">
<div class="form-group form-inline">
<label for="">sample input</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="" value="i will be clone">