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Using LOOKAHEAD in nested conditions

I am maintaining old code that uses JavaCC to parse syntax.

My .jjt file broadly looks like this:

void Top() {}
    Bazz() OpenParenthesis() Foo() CloseParenthesis()
void Foo() {}
    Bar() Blah() A()

void A() {}
    Z() (B() Z())*
void Z() {}
    (OpenParenthesis())? X() Y() (CloseParenthesis())?


  • Top is the main condition before <EOF>, enclosed in a method returning an instance of Node
  • OpenParenthesis and CloseParenthesis represent literal tokens for ( and ) respectively
  • The parser is instructed to ignore whitespace

My issue is that with a "simple" input like:

bazz ( bar blah x y )

... the closing parenthesis is consumed as part of Z's condition (the 0 or 1, ? quantifier), therefore the compulsory closing parenthesis in Top produces a syntax error, where the parser would either expect B or <EOF>.

JavaCC regular expressions do not feature fine-grained quantifiers as Java regex does, so I cannot use a reluctant quantifier for Z's closing parenthesis.

I have read about the LOOKAHEAD construct (some tutorial/docs here) and figured I could use one to infer whether the ending closing parenthesis should not be consumed by Z, thus re-writing Z as:

void Z() {}
    (OpenParenthesis())? X() Y() (LOOKAHEAD(1) CloseParenthesis())?

I've also monkeyed around with the size of the lookahead.

Unfortunately, either I do not understand the feature, or the lookahead will not work with hierachical syntax such as the one illustrated above.

Among the choices of poor workarounds I have found so far:

  • Remove the optional parenthesis from Z altogether
  • Make the closing parenthesis optional in Top

Obviously neither satisfies me at all.

Have I overlooked something?


  • Maybe I'm missing the intent of your code, but the rule

    void Z() {}
        (OpenParenthesis())? X() Y() (CloseParenthesis())?

    just looks very odd to me. Do you really want that all of the following sequences can be parsed as Z?

    ( x y )
    x y
    ( x y
    x y )

    If you think the last two should not be parsed as Z, then change the rule to

    void Z() {}
        OpenParenthesis() X() Y() CloseParenthesis()
        X() Y()

    If you really really really want Z to be the way it is, make a comment and I'll submit a solution that will work, at least for the example above